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Harley and Rocky boys at 4 weeks.
White boy White boy Yellow boy Yellow boy Red boy Red boy Orange boy Orange boy BW boy Green boy Green boy Green boy
Litter announcement!
We are expecting a litter of pups out of Harleys an CJ. Harley’s estimated due date is Saturday, June 14th. We will post pics once the litter arrives. Meanwhile, please visit our Registered Labradors page for info on the parents, and visit our Adoption Process page for info about reserving your puppy.
Harley and Rocky three week old boys.
Orange boy Orange boyWhite boy White boyYellow boy Yellow boy Green boy Green boy Green boy Red boy Red boy Red boy BW boy BW boyBW boy
These boys are five weeks old today!
Green Boy Yellow Boy BW Boy BW Boy BW Boy White Boy White Boy Red Boy Orange Boy Orange Boy